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Twisted Thistle - 09 / Oct / 2024

A Supermoon Crystal & Herbal Fortification

A Supermoon Crystal & Herbal Fortification

Nourish yourself under the Hunter's Full Moon, with Edie's Herb & Crystal Elderberry Infusion, combining immune-boosting elderberries and grounding Black Tourmaline for support. Read on for the recipe!


As we enter a particularly intense period: the Hunter’s Supermoon, a time traditionally linked to preparation and reflection. Named after the season when ancient hunters would stock up for the coming winter, this full moon encourages us to focus on what we need to release and what we should gather, both emotionally and energetically, as we prepare for the darker months ahead.

In moments like these, it’s important to slow down and nourish ourselves—both physically and spiritually. As we also approach the end of an intense year filled with powerful astrological events, it's easy to feel the emotional weight of everything we've been through. With Halloween just around the corner, marking the shift from fall into the heart of winter, and the holiday season approaching, this time of year brings its own unique blend of energy. For us, it’s a period of transition, and sometimes, overwhelm.

One of our treasured team members, Edie, has shared a ritual we love: an Herb & Crystal Elderberry Infusion designed to help us feel grounded and supported through these transitions. With immune-boosting elderberries and the grounding energy of Black Tourmaline, this blend is the perfect way to center ourselves under the powerful energy of this Supermoon.

Let’s dive into this seasonal infusion, which brings together ancient wisdom, herbs, and crystal healing to support us through the ebb and flow of life’s challenges.

Introducing our grounding Black Tourmaline and Elderberry Infusion

  • 1 cup dried elderberries
  • 1 tablespoon dried rose hips (optional for added Vitamin C)
  • 2 teaspoons dried peppermint or your favorite soothing herb
  • 1 small piece of black tourmaline crystal (cleansed) or an elixir
  • 4 cups water
  • Honey or sweetener of choice (optional)
  1. Prepare the herbs: In a small pot, combine the dried elderberries, rose hips, and peppermint (or your chosen herbs).
  2. Add water: Pour in 4 cups of water and bring to a gentle boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Infuse with intention: After removing the pot from heat, carefully add the cleansed Black Tourmaline crystal to the mixture. Allow the infusion to steep for another 15-20 minutes, letting the protective energy of the crystal combine with the herbal blend.
  4. Strain the infusion: Once steeped, remove the Black Tourmaline and strain the mixture to remove the herbs.
  5. Sweeten (if desired): Add honey or your preferred sweetener to taste.
  6. Enjoy mindfully: Sip slowly, allowing yourself to feel grounded and centered, knowing this blend was created to support us through times of transition.
  • Be sure to cleanse your Black Tourmaline before using it in the infusion, either by rinsing it with water or setting it under moonlight overnight.
  • You can store any leftover infusion in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently before drinking.
  • For added immune-boosting, add some ImmuniTea and/or Mineral BounTea to the initial simmer.
  • For added soothing during an intense period, consider adding some Damiana, Lemon Balm, and/or Skullcap to the initial simmer.

The Spiritual Aspect of Elderberry  Symbolism: Transformation; regeneration; the cycles of life, death, and rebirth; endings of that which no longer serves us to make way for what DOES; and a sense of fate, and how we take ownership of stepping into, taking control of our own fates.

The Spiritual Aspect of Black Tourmaline  Symbolism: Traditionally, Black Tourmaline has been one of the optimal go-to crystals for "protection" in general, but not many people understand "what that means." Especially the consideration of coupling it with an Elderberry Infusion as we approach Autumn and Winter, Black Tourmaline encourages us to "go into the mountain," look inward to fortify ourselves from the inside out, as we consider at our core what is ours, and what is not ours to take on. The aspect of "protection" in this way means that in knowing the difference in "ours / not ours" results in moving more intentionally, and not inadvertently overextending ourselves. 

This can be a real game-changer of an intention to carry with us, as we are in the most intense year of a period of years that have been very intense. Being able to "go inside the mountain" and acknowledge not only what is truly ours, but also, to turn down the volume on outside influences that might make it difficult to tune into who we are, what we want & need, and how to go about making healthy choices during this intensity is a powerful force created with only the pairing of both the Herbal and Crystal Allies of this Black Tourmaline crystal, accompanied by the regular healthy treat of an Elderberry Infusion.

This year, this season, this particular point in history is unlike anything we’ve seen in generations. To go from the widest lens to the most focused, in a word we would start wide with the long arcs, explain what Astrologers like to consider the energetic / spiritual “weather conditions” we’ve passed through, are passing through, will emerge from, all the way down to addressing the question of “what am I supposed to do in my daily life about the ‘Astrological Weather’ we are CURRENTLY passing through now, in the last quarter of 2024?”


Our Astrology Weather Report" The Story So Far (and beyond)

2019 = A time to prepare for pivotal times ahead.

2020 = The anticipated Ground-Zero reset to choose how to participate in pivoting from a generations-long course to one where changes mean a chance to form a more healthy world.

2021 = Initiating the work that would lead to these changes.

2022 = Making headway on the chosen path 

2023 = Laying the groundwork for how each of us, changed by the events, would point ourselves in the direction of historic change 

2024 = Building on the groundwork of the previous year, and getting our respective "personal workstations" in order so we can contribute to the pivotal shifts anticipated in 2019.

2025 = Critical assessment of who we might work with in community, as we begin to do things differently than we've ever done before.

2026 = Getting into the routine of actively participating, and with intent of writing what will eventually become history.

2027 = Committing fully to the dedication of re-shaping the course of how we, as people of this world, live in relation to ourselves, society, and the Earth itself.

This is the amalgamation of the long-arcs identified by the overlays & intersection of this crucial time in Astrology, the trigonometry of human behavior as a whole, current events unfolding largely precipitated by the agreements of society and our nations' leadership, and the Phoenix cycles marking the rise and fall and stronger rise of humanity since the dawn of civilization. 

Which, as we hold both "what's happening now" and the intent to move towards the healthiest and most evolved version of humanity we can grow into, we examine in real-time what opportunities we should be aware of in the present moment:

1. The eclipses that happened in the first part of the year should be thought of as "doors opening to hallways leading to bigger and bigger steps towards ultimately a better world" and that during this eclipse season, we are emerging onto the next set of steps. In long arcs, every eclipse season should be considered this way, doors inviting us to push the envelope to improve ourselves, and by nature the world we live in, leaving behind old ways that do not serve our ascent to brighter futures. 

2. Chiron Retrograde (in Aries) invites us to take meaningful action towards breaking old unhealthy routines and reinforce healthy new ones, as we take ownership of the identities that will define our contribution to growth, health, and betterment. 

3. Jupiter Retrograde (in Gemini) is asking all of us to expand into those changes in routine, letting go of "fear of the unknown" and instead empowering ourselves to be invited into our own power of "exploring just how good we can make everything." 

4. Pluto Retrograde (in Aquarius) just ended, meaning that since the springtime (and hopefully for the past three years) EVERYTHING we thought of as what a better world looks like should go from the "drafting table to the construction site" especially with the energy of Jupiter Retrograde inviting us to do the worthwhile work of making it happen. 

5. "Earth will have Two Moons till the end of November." This is the literal verbiage used by the sciences community. Technically the "second moon" is an asteroid originating from the constellation of Arjuna, that has lodged itself in the gravitational pull of the earth -during (American) election season- and will move on before December. The energy of Moons is to reflect on ourselves, and turn those reflections into action - set intentions, and begin the daily work of manifesting these intentions. This also piggy-backs on ideation that became apparent to spiritual practitioners as 2020 came to a close. 

The question being posed by these two moons "reflecting" the light of a future sun is: 

"What world do you want to live in, and what needs to happen differently so you can step into that world?" 

6. The full moons of October and November will be the last of four Supermoons of this season. In spiritual work, the idea of any Supermoon is big "springboard energy." You know the old saying "If you aim for the stars, you might at least hit the sky?" That's what kind of intention-setting & manifestation-planning to call upon during a Supermoon; "Blue-Sky" thinking; forget about the "steps" between A to Z and throw yourself towards the intended outcome with all the zeal and hope you can muster.


The sum of all these things happening... we approach the close of the Third and final year of a stretch that Astrologers have been calling a “Dark Night of the Soul For The Entire World” - a point of awakening as a participant in the story of the world unfolding (as opposed to passively loping through daily life) - which for many people can show us as a time where we are feeling like “how things have always been done” isn’t working and isn’t offering meaningful solutions, we are prompted to empower ourselves to come up with these solutions.

For some, this can feel scary; overwhelming; crucial. For others, this has shown up in unprecedented Spiritual Awakenings opening up vistas in one’s life that a person had never dreamt was possible -which can also feel pretty BIG. 

No matter how it shows up for you, it is important to remember a few key things:  You are not alone. A LOT more people than you might expect are experiencing this as well. Talk with people in your life about it. If that doesn’t feel safe, or right, or welcomed, speak to a reputable astrologer or esoteric practitioner (mystic, if you will) about these things. To feel alone in this can feel overwhelming, but once you realize you’re part of an emergent community having similar experiences the questions begin to take a more resolved shape: “How do we, together, as one, as community, shape the world we want to live in?”  Just as you are not actually alone, none of us were meant to do “all of this” alone. By universal and natural design, we are all supposed to contribute our own drop to what would be an ocean of change. A Rosetta Stone to simplify what might otherwise seem overwhelming is the consideration of:

  • What you CAN do

  • WHEN you can do it

  • And HOW you can do it.

That, and trusting that there are SO many others out there doing What they CAN, WHEN they can, and HOW they can means that we are all contributing to a better world. Look for even the smallest indicators that it is happening.

There are two wolves in the soul of the world right now. Choose, on a daily basis, which one to nurture & feed, and which one to starve & deny, as we point our faces towards, and put our hands to the work of building a brighter future for generations to come.

With love and herbal power to you,

From our beloved Edie and the whole Twisted Team! x

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