Read Edie's Astro Report for the month of November as it aligns to deep gratitude, meaningful change & beautiful courage—as we pass through the heaviest part of the retrograde season.
When people talk to me about "Seasonal Affective Disorder" I shrug obligingly, and respond with "Yes, you can say that, OR you can recognize that right around the same time, we're passing through the heaviest part of the retrograde season, the time when a good handful of planets are retrograding at the same time."
And the thing to remember about retrogrades is that they're calling for us to challenge ourselves to heal and grow, and to do this with intention. That's often why they can feel hard. We are not exempt from getting these "assignments" from the universe, but especially in modern society, those challenges can feel overwhelming in juxtaposition to what we -as a society- have assigned to ourselves in generations of being divorced from the spiritual practices of each of Ancestors -but this too is a thing that is changing, coalescing towards an opportunity for an unprecedented spiritual awakening and aligning in the springtime of 2025, of which the past three years of retrogrades have been nudging us towards.
The Universe actually WANTS us to rise to the occasion of these challenges, and become greater, healthier, and more resourced than we've ever been; in many spiritual practices, it is acknowledged that each of us are extensions of the Universe, having an interaction with itself. So it's no wonder that the Universe would want us to tune-in and tune-up as much as possible, so as the Universe expands, we as fractal extensions of it, are in alignment with the most powerfully positive growth and expansion as we can collectively participate in.
When thinking of empowering yourself in your place in community, and thus empowering the entity of community, think of it like this:
When you strengthen others, you strengthen yourself.
This is not unlike the old adage in many spheres of spiritual practice: What you put out into the world comes back to you, tenfold.
But it's not just about "doing a thing," it's gotta come from the energetic engines of you, your energy points, or rather Chakras if you're talking about the Hindu, Vedic paths.
So November of 2024 finds us in a very interesting window where we can move with intention, into a future each of us participates in, and together.
We ended October with Samhain, Dia De Los Muertos, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day. In a word, All Saints Day is a solid day to set the groundwork for how you might, during this next year, become more saint-like in your own story, and for what that means to you. Now, All Souls Day, that's one that I always consider a month long, based on what it is. Think of All Souls Day (or All Souls Month, if you're like me) is a time to send up prayers to any who might have passed from life into the Ancestral Realm, and may not have been pointed in quite the right direction - prayers that ask those souls to be guided to the paths they should be on. We might say "those who died with sins on them" but it doesn't have to be as rigid as that. The part about strengthening ourselves through strengthening others? Think of it like that. Yes, of course, we might send up signals to the Universe to care for the souls of our Dearly Departed, but think of how much unbridled compassion is being brought into the world if you include the souls of strangers you never met into those blessings.
This gives us a good sense of gratitude to carry with us through November.
Gratitude, truly held in the heart, or even the lower energy points (/Chakras) gives us a powerful base to work from, to feel resourced. And considering all we saw this year, the journey of the past few years, even the most recent election season, we can use all the soothing we can get, SO we can be as resourced as possible to do our part in bringing about a more healed world. Couple this with doing what you can to positively somatically engage your lower energy points.
Soothing herbs, herbs that help reduce stress, anxiety, those that make us feel good in our own bodies (Damiana, I'm looking at you, love), and yes, aphrodisiacs. Taking a comfortable aphrodisiac for the betterment of your own quality of life on a somewhat regular basis is a matter of positively engaging the somatic, bodily "homes" of your Root & Sacral energy points, letting you start off this cycle embodying a stronger sense of resource, and opening yourself up to be aware of, invite in, and experience joy, during these challenging times where the retrograde cycles compassionately (but FIRMLY, I know) ask us to rise to the occasion.
All this "start off right" talk also comes from the observance that in the old Druidic practices, we recognize October as the 12th month of the year, the last THREE DAYS of October as the 13th month of the year (and you Tarot Readers out there, of course will recognize 13 as the number of transformation and transition, from the old ways dying off to make way for new growth), and thusly November 1st as the start of the new year. If you've been playing with the idea of "New Year's Resolutions" consider starting them now. What's one more task on the work pile with five retrogrades active? By the time January 1st comes around, the time when retrogrades are tricking off, giving us breathing room, and ultimately feeling like we want to plop down and NOT start anything new, those resolutions may already be ingrained in habit as we enter direct season.
November 1 would have us enter that "Druid's New Year" with a New Moon in Tropic Scorpio, and Sidereal Libra.
Think of New Moon energy as making space, clearing out, lightening your load. I've often told people to think of new moons as clearing out your adventure backpack so you have room to pick up any treasures you come across during the next month.
Scorpio represents Transformation, Forgiveness, depth of understanding all that lies under the surface. Big big on transformation though. Change. Reinvention, rebirth, new beginnings.
Libra, of course is the scales, representing Relationships and Equality. Not just "person to person" relationships, though, relationships between all things. What is the relationship to your health, healing, growth, self-care, and the actions you take with intention to support that? What is the relationship between yourself and what you consider community? How do these questions look superimposed with the vibe of transformation in Tropic Scorpio?
Whenever you're seeing this, think back to any notes you can give yourself credit for around New Moon, and chase that energy into this next month.
Crystal Support
Labradorite in my opinion is an EXCELLENT stone for embracing change with agility. I've often told people that it's like having a navigator, sent by your higher self, in your passenger seat keeping you on your path.
Zodiac Seasons In November & A Basic Lifehack For Working With These Energies
Scorpio season - "I desire, I evolve."
Started Oct 23, and will run till November 21
Again: Scorpio embodies Transformation, Forgiveness. Scorpio's strength is that it knows how to look at what's under the surface, seek out the mysteries, dig to the bedrock, and come back to the surface transformed, primed for change based on the research it could dig up.
For this season, in the mornings, try to carve out a little time for some kind of meditative space. Observe your thoughts and feelings, look under the surface of you, as you begin the day, and pay attention to, be present with the whole of you as the day unfolds. Even if that feels a bit daunting, I *always* recommend that folks take a look at the big Astrology Transits for the day, and carry that awareness into the day. If you have the means to, consider those pre-emptively, and see if you can both align yourself with the best navigation WHILE you observe how you, others, even random strangers might be affected by these energies. For that, I just keep a tab open on my phone with Astrology Answers as a quick "vibe check" for the day.
In the evening, reflect on how that experience was for you in the day. Journal if you can. Bullet Journaling is a solid way to reflect. For even more eye-opening synchronicity, you might even consider jotting down notes in the "Magic Of I" planners, in the lined sections for the day. Doing so, you'll be able to see what Astrology Transits may have been in motion that day that may have nudged you to connect with certain moments and thoughts.
Sagittarius season - "I see, I explore."
Starts on November 22
Sagittarius embodies wisdom & travel, and knows more than any other sign how to step forward with courage into adventure, knowing that with every step, they gain more knowledge. Consider how Scorpio season lines you up to embrace these energies in Sagittarius.
In the morning, read inspiring quotes to keep on the "dashboard" of your mind for that day. Or try writing inspiring quotes, if you’re one who has ears that look to you for support, wisdom, and inspiration.
Wind down the evening with something like a Guided Meditation. Consider it a journey of wisdom through “travel.” Even if you don’t feel like you can give yourself permission to carve out time for a Guided Meditation, approach the idea of listening to an audiobook that feeds your soul, or gently (that is to say doesn’t feel like work or study) expands your knowledge on something that’s interested you, but you’ve not yet looked into.
The November Retrograde Movements
Ending it's retrograde on November 5th (I know, right: election day) and going direct, think of this Saturn in Pisces transition like so:
Everything that's come up for you this year, being dissatisfied with "how things are" from the personal to the larger and larger communities will have asked you to look these things in the eye. No more illusions, no more subconscious fibs you tell yourself to "just get by," Saturn Direct is now asking you to address these things. Start with a single step, then take another. At the very least, get your head around the idea of building towards what you want to see in your life, in the world you live in, in the world you'll shape for today's children to inherit as they become adults.
Crystal Support
Moss Agate is a great stone for this kind of work. Moss Agate reminds you that Yes, you have a vision, a dream, so one foot in front of the other, do the work it takes to turn that vision into a reality. Some of our chosen ways to enjoy Moss Agate, are:
Neptune (ending in December)
Neptune has been retrograding in Pisces, and goes direct (meaning its retrograde ends) early December, so these are the last days of it since it started in early July. When Neptune retrogrades, especially in Pisces, many people experience more intense or meaningful dreamwork, feel drawn to the sacred, to the spiritual, to the esoteric, possibly more so than they ever have. And the past two years this has been powerful.
Most I've talked to heard the call, and stepped with intention into their spiritual journeys. If you haven't, but you recognize this pull I'm talking about, it might be that you had to reconcile some things holding you back from getting into a routine of good spiritual hygiene.
Clear out the last vestiges of that which has been holding you back, and consider what little things you can do to reconnect to Spirituality. As we say in the practices: Spirituality is really just the compass tuned to the movements of the universe that help inform you what you should be doing on a daily basis.
In terms of "compass work" a lot of practitioners lean on some kind of sortilage, divination tools, to help illuminate what one might be overlooking. That being said, I wanted to point out BiddyTarot as a great learning resource for anyone who's been feeling called to start using tarot as a flashlight in the dark halls of decision-making, or a great resource for even seasoned practitioners who might be open to a reminder of the width and breadth of Tarot as a divination tool. And that's just a start for mainstreaming spiritual hygiene into your routine:
You can meditate while doing the dishes.
A cup of evening tea and 20 minutes to be present with yourself while thinking of where you want to be in a month would "count" as Full Moon Ritual.
Have an evening cup under a New Moon and consider what you need to let go of, so you have more resource in the month ahead.
If you haven't started a Dream Journal yet, but you've been "meaning to" give a nod to Neptune in Pisces, and set up a system for it. I literally keep mine above my pillow with a pencil tucked into it, so even if I wake up from a dream in the middle of the night I can jot down some notes so I don't forget by the morning. When you do a look-back towards the end of a Dream Journal, it might be interesting to see what abstract themes seem to start puzzle-piecing themselves together over the course of months, or even a year.
See? Esoteric Spirituality doesn't have to be fancy; a couple minor adjustments to your routine could incorporate improved spiritual health. As they say on the internet: Follow me for more tips.
Crystal Support
Amethyst, like Fluorite, is one of the "soothing" crystals, but the difference is that Flourite soothes SO that you can recover more emotionally, Amethyst smoothes out all the buzzing so that you can step towards more meditative and spiritually healthy spaces.
Herbal Support
Blue Lotus, White Lotus, Passionflower, Mugwort, Calea, Guayusa are all powerful herbal allies to call upon when working with Neptune Energy. Many of these help improve dreamwork, but can also bring a sense of ease to the system, enough to bring enough resource to incorporate spirit into the triad with mind and body on the journey to becoming more whole.
I know that a lot of folks are feeling a heaviness, a slowing down, a lack of spoons, that may have felt "sudden" in September. That's just Uranus retrograding in Taurus again. Last year when it retrograded, it was kind of the "practice round" for slowing down, so that this year, we could really make it count. That slowing down is so that we have enough space and resource (I'm gonna say the word "spoons" again, here) for us to consider change, in humanitarian ideals, in society, in our personal lives. Especially with all that Taurus energy, yes, of course, it'll feel heavy, slowing, ponderous, but remember that Taurus embodies self-worth, and the worth of things, and that Taurus is Venus energy.
I know the holidays can be crazy busy, but during these pivotal days, try to bring more balance to your system, so you can figure out what you can do (again, "What you CAN do / WHEN you can do it / HOW you can do it") on a regular basis to start asking for, and committing to the life -and world- you want to live in. How do you value yourself? How do you ask for, and insist on that value? Like the dearly departed figure Saint once said: "How you treat yourself is the instruction for how you want others to treat you."
Crystal Support
Rhodonite, upon first contact, might feel a bit like rose quartz, but "with a trick to it" to figure out. The "trick" is thinking of rhodonite as a powerful stone in commitment to self-care. When we talk about the "forgiveness" aspect of Rhodonite, it's not "forgiving my enemy & turning the other cheek," but rather forgiving yourself for anything that kept you embroiled in situations that may not have best served you. Use Rhodonite to connect to Spirit, Ancestors, your higher self to ask for a do-over. "THESE are the stories I only want to be in from now on" is the mantra I offer when working with Rhodonite.
Herbal Support
Personally, I like to think of adaptogens Ashwagandha, Eleuthero, Rhodiola as a "pizza crust for herb-stacking," and in that sense, I feel like they resonate well with these energies of Uranus Rx we're passing through: What's underneath all that can offer support on the tectonic shifts in day to day life? Where do you need more support? Reducing stress? - Ashwagandha. More sustained energy to face these shifts? - Eleuthero. Keeping anxiousness at bay? - Rhodiola. A bit of a stack on each? "Nervous System Reset" or "Adventure On!" might be good choices to, so you can be supported to meet the challenges being asked of us by Uranus, and during this crucial point in history.
Any mounting overwhelm, frustration, short-temperedness, dare I say even feelings of confusion or scarcity that you might have been, might be feeling is a low-down dirty trick of the proverbial Badguys. They're pulling a slight of hand, waving the misdirection hand of all the icky stuff they've manifested into reality so you can divert your focus from the beautiful and abundant opportunities Jupiter (in Gemini) wants you to pay attention to (I'm suddenly seeing us, them, and Jupiter in the "jealous girlfriend" meme).
Jupiter wants you to think outside the box in terms of healthy expansion. What have you overlooked in terms of abundance, resource, improvement -or overlooked the breadcrumbs that lead to those paths for you. This month, think of small steps towards larger leaps: The decision to start a healthy habit leads to a healthy routine, which in turn, leads to a more empowered You. And again, the universe WANTS you to be the most empowered version of yourself, you can participate in a more empowered community, and contribute to a healthier world.
Crystal Support
Aventurine, Citrine, Mookaite Jasper, even Carnelian, even Fluorite are going to be solid allies for shifting your perspective to what you get to give gratitude for, that can help invite you to seek out those overlooked threads to abundance, resource, and breaking the mindset of scarcity-thinking.
Herbal Support
Mucuna, Mucuna, Mucuna. And aphrodisiacs, as I'd mentioned earlier. Even the blend of Skullcap & Wood Betony (which appears in our "Anxie-tea" blend) would gather under these banners. Mucuna interacts with your dopamine receptors, in short, raising your mood and vibration.
As previously mentioned with aphrodisiacs, you're positively engaging your lower energy points (/chakras); Root is where you feel resource, stability (or in traumatized spaces, scarcity & fear), Sacral is where your creativity comes from, the real spark for thinking outside the box, and also where get to feel (or otherwise are blocked from feeling) self-worth, self-empowerment. Working with herbs like this under Jupiter is a real life-hack for those wanting to harness the energy intrinsic to your bodily system.
Okay, technically Mars (starting in Leo, ending in Cancer this time) starts it's retrograde in the beginning of December, but I might as well touch on it now, so you've got optics on how it might rise in your daily life, and especially through the holiday season.
Off the bat, go into it with self-awareness; this is the "warning" part of the show, then we'll talk about how to make the best use of it. You might already be feeling "shadow of" Mars retrograde. The underbelly of Leo seasoning the Mars main dish might have you feeling quick to temper, especially if you're "in your feels" about things, and might urge you to be a bit more theatrical about blowouts. I mention this because others might be feeling the same way.
Be gentle with yourself, be cognizant of your emotional states, and do ALL the self-care, and creating balance for yourself that you can. Be ready to close your eyes, ground and be ready to let others ride out any tantrums they might be in their feels to express. Do Not Engage with their aggressive energy; this is the Mud Fight Rule, even if you win, you both get dirty. Don't throw that extra bit of work on your own plate. Also, if you can get a feel for removing yourself from aggressive or hostile engagement, you might start to feel a powerful sense of Agency, as you shift your perspective towards how best to work with Mars in Leo (and then Cancer) energy:
While, yes, Mars is how we deal with conflict and aggression, Mars is also about FORWARD MOVEMENT, how "one foot in front of the other" actually shows up. Leo embodies Fun, Creativity, Expression, leadership through inspiration. Lean into this, and you side-step any aggression or hostility that might be coming your way. Think back to April of this year, and what might have come up: What have you denied bringing into existence, that could be your contribution or offering of beauty, of comfort, of goodness to the life you wake up to every day? How can you begin to let those things blossom from you? How can you make little changes in your life so that others might be inspired by witnessing the goodness that you stand in, and offer to the world?
We'll talk more about supportive crystals and herbs to work positively with this energy next month, but preemptively, I'm going to mention the herb Damiana right now.
For those who don't know, Damiana is big Venus energy; goes to every corner of you, gathers the bits of self-love, brings them down into your lower energy points (again, Root, Sacral), and overall gives you a NOTICEABLE sense of Feeling Good In Your Own Body, period.
I mention this herbal ally as we enter shadow of Mars Rx because of it's Venusian nature; any hackles that raise because of that Mars energy, be ready to counterbalance and smooth it out with this big Venus vibe.
You deserve to feel comfortable within yourself as we move through this keyhole of challenging planetary movements.
We might be feeling roughshod from this past election season, and we might feel spread thin "getting ready for the holidays," and that's why I've so heavily curated suggestions of both Herbal and Crystal allies this month.
Be compassionate with yourself. The same supportive tone and words you'd use with others, you're supposed to use them on yourself, not just during this period, in history, but on all days.
Take care of yourself. Prioritize decompression, rest, sleep. We want to see you standing with Strong Heart and Life Blazing in your eyes, as we step into this new year, be it via the Druidic Calendar now, or Gregorian Calendar in a few months.
We want to see you strong of heart and glinting of eyes because all those things that have left you feeling threadbare, they don't change our responsibility of care to ourselves, and to how we show up in community, in terms of giving ourselves the permission to be the most potent versions of ourselves possible.
To remind us of this, I leave you with the words of Marianne Williamson:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”