This is a test of the fonts Heading 1
This is normal copy
This is a test of the fonts Heading 2 (Heading 1 & 2 look exactly the same on a web browser)
This is normal copy
This is a test of the fonts Heading 3
This is normal copy
This is a test of the fonts Heading 4
This is normal copy
This is a test of the fonts Heading 5
This is normal copy
This is a test of the fonts Heading 6 (Heading 5 & 6 look to be exactly the same on a web browser)
This is normal copy
This is normal copy [Inline: Bold] This is normal copy [Inline: Italics] This is normal copy [Inline: Underline] This is normal copy [Inline: Strikethrough]
Hi This is normal copy [Inline: Superscript]
Hi This is normal copy [Inline: Subscript]
This is normal copy [Inline: Code]
This is normal copy [Blocks: Paragraph] (This is truly the "normal copy")
This is normal copy [Blocks: Blockquote]
This is normal copy [Blocks: Div]
This is normal copy [Blocks: Pre]