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Twisted Team - 11 / Aug / 2024

Herbs to Support Your Burn – Playa Dust & Plant Trust

Herbs to Support Your Burn – Playa Dust & Plant Trust

As you prepare for the upcoming Burn, it’s time to think beyond your outfits and costumes, and start considering how you’ll fuel your fun from the inside out.  Read on for our Burning Man Festival Biohacking Toolkit.

This year, Burning Man’s theme is "Curiouser and Curiouser," which celebrates the irrational, the absurd, and the unknown—exactly the kind of vibe that calls for a little extra preparation to ensure you’re in peak condition to embrace all the wonder and weirdness.  

As we’ve  learned, the key to optimizing our festival experience is more than just staying hydrated and nourished; it’s about fine-tuning your body and mind for the wild ride ahead. 

Festival Biohacking Toolkit: Optimize Your Fun

Whether you’re a Burning Man veteran or a first-timer, your festival toolkit needs more than just sunscreen and goggles. Here’s how our Twisted team—seasoned Burners and plant lovers—keep our bodies in top form for the desert days and nights, using our carefully crafted Playa Pack Survival Kit.

  1. Playa Chia Alkalize Drink: Hydrate Like a Pro

Did you know that one of the top reasons people end up at the medical tent at Burning Man is constipation? It’s no  joke—the desert can be rough on your system. Which is why our daily drink ritual, the Playa Chia Alkalize Drink, is a game-changer.

The Playa recipe:

  • Soak 1 tbsp of chia seeds: Soak chia in water or coconut water for 1-3 hours (soaking in water hydrates them quicker).
  • Mix: Combine the hydrated chia seeds with half sugar-free juice and half coconut water. Aim for 1.5 quarts of liquid for 1 tbsp of seeds—enough for 1-2 people per day.
  • Alkalize: Add 2-3 tsp of alkalize powder and shake.
  • Drink daily: This concoction will keep you hydrated, regular, and full of essential nutrients while you burn.

This drink isn’t just for Burning Man—it’s a must for any festival for hydration, cooling, and post-party relief. It’s tried, tested, and loved by many on the Playa.

  1.  Nervous System Reset: Stay Grounded and Energized

Before you head out for a day of curiosity-fueled exploration, give your nervous system some love with our in-house blend: Nervous System Reset. This adaptogenic gem supports your body’s stress response, helping you maintain your energy and endurance for whatever wild adventures await.

  1.  NighTea: Your Secret to Sweet Dreams

Sleep can be elusive during a festival, but it’s essential for recharging. We take NighTea every night, as a must. This calming blend helps you sleep deeper and longer, ensuring you wake up ready for another day of adventure. And if you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, a second dose can help you drift back into dreamland! Sweet dreams.

  1.  Liver Lover Capsules: Detox While You Rest

After a day of shenanigans, support your liver’s natural detox process with our Liver Lover capsules. Aptly named, we always take them before bed to help your body break down toxins while you sleep, so you can wake up feeling refreshed, ready to do it all over again.

  1. Kratom: Pick Your Party Strain

For those looking to keep the party going, Twisted Thistle’s favorite Kratom strains—like "The Phoenix," "Monkey Forest," or "Sapphire Seas"—are perfect for adding an extra layer of good vibes to your festival experience. Opt for white or green vein strains to keep your energy up and spirits high.

Playa Party Punch: Share the Plant Love

One of the best ways to spread the festival joy is with a communal drink that gets everyone in the groove. Here’s Twisted Thistle’s go-to Playa Party Punch recipe—perfect for sharing with your campmates and making new friends.

Playa Party Punch Recipe (Serves 20-30):

  • 1 bag of Adventure On (60g - 30 x 2g doses, or 20 x 3g doses)
  • 1 bag of Ripley's (60g)
  • 1 gallon of fruit juice: We recommend tropical or blended juices that are sugar-free for the best flavor mix with the herbs.
  • Optional: Add damiana—either 25g steeped in 1 quart of water, or 2x1oz damiana tinctures (for convenience).

Daily Checklist: Your Festival Wellness Routine

To make sure you’re ready for anything the festival throws at you, stick to this daily routine:

  • Morning: Start with your Playa Chia Alkalize Drink.
  • Pre-Playa: Take a dose of Nervous System Reset.
  • Nighttime: Wind down with Liver Lover capsules, and a cup of NighTea before bed.

Bonus Herbs: Extra Festival Fun

If you’re looking for even more ways to enhance your festival experience, consider bringing along these fun and supportive herbs:

  • Chocomine: Boosts good vibes and energy.
  • Mucuna: Adds extra positivity to your day.

We created this toolkit so you’ll be more than ready to embrace the absurd, the unknown, and the wildly curious adventures that await you. 

Happy Burning with herbal power,

The Twisted Thistle team

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